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Wednesday, 31 December 2008

deja vu

I have a strange feeling that I have dabbled with this blogging business before - password mysteries remain - but let's just treat this is a virgin blog shall we?

I chose my blog page title under the influence of one of the world's most influential photographers, none other than Himself, the great Henri Cartier Bresson. I revere Him because he really learned his art by using the one lens and finding the right time/ place and the "decisive moment" at which to snap the shutter (yes for you youngsters out there that's not just the synthesized sound coming from your digital point and shoot but a mechanism on ye olde film cameras and SLRs in particular that made a sound when the button was pressed and opened and closed the shutter to take the photo).

Now I'm no professional photographer but I am a professional at arm's length photographic portraits and I think I have influenced many a friend and acquaintance along this path.

Hmm, what's this reminiscing all about, just trying to work out what led me here and letting the old digits tap away, tap, tippy tap tap tap.
I will be writing on a variety of topics, life, love, sounds, silence, movement, meditation, laughter, yoga, creativity and as yul brynner would have said in the movie "the king and I" - "et cetera et cetera et cetera".
Well here I am in this pic enjoying a bit of autumn early evening light (a few months ago) and I raise a cup of herbal tea to you - namaste!